56" (1422mm) HITACHI 5 STAND 6 HI CONTINUOUS TANDEM COLD ROLLING MILL ... Shape is achieved through roll bending and intermediate shifting. ... Hitachi HYROP forced...
It includes models with width range between 650mm and 1450mm, with the highest speed of 1200m/min, the maximum rolling force of 2000T and the maximum coiling...
6 High reversing cold rolling mill is the cold rolling production line with designed annual output of 200 thousand tons and adopts UCM-type single-stand mill.
This company continuously trains its employees, accumulates product production experience, continuously carries out technological innovation, and can really provide customers with excellent products.
Your company has always enjoyed a good reputation in the industry, and you have always taken "integrity" and "pragmatism" as your core culture, and the quality of your products is very good.
Choosing a good supplier is a tedious and difficult thing. Since we attach great importance to service and quality, we are extra careful when making choices, and after learning about this company in.