Temper Mill
The Features
The Perfect automatic control: including automatic constant rolling force control (AFC), automatic constant elongation control(AEC), automatic position control(APC) and automatic constant tension control(ATC).
The higher automation level: including the function of automatically threading, automatically unloading coil, centering position control and quick roll change device.
The higher electrical control system: Driving control system will use full digital inverter speed control and Siemens’ or ABB’s speed control device. Basic automation will use Siemens’ or ABB’s PLC control with touch screen. Bending roll system will use servo control.
HMI: The mill will use HMI to collect, display and store the data.
Flatness control: The mill will use positive/negative bending system of work roll to control flatness.
Automatic elongation control: By rolling force control to carry out elongation control.
Process of the mill: Wet/dry rolling as the process requirement.
Auxiliary system of the mill: including central circulating oil Lubrication System,oil air lubrication system, Roll coolant system (wet tempering) low pressure hydraulic station and high pressure servo station